In the religion of humanism people believe that they have no need for gods because they are in themselves gods. Until Greece and Rome people worshiped gods in the shape of strange beings that were models of reptilian or animal life or a mixture of human and animal. Ra, the principal Egyptian god, was the god of the sun. He was human from the neck down with the head of a great bird or falcon. Others had the heads of a crocodile or a jackal or a wolf. The gods of ancient Babylon had bodies like a lion or a bull or a snake. Some animals had wings like a bird.
Ancient Greece is the great head of humanism. All of the Greek gods appeared as men and women and Rome merely adopted and renamed the Greek gods. This was the final exaltation of humanity. In today’s western world view characteristics of these particular gods of the Greek pantheon have merely been morphed into the god of mankind himself.
In the words of John F. Kennedy, “our problems are man-made, therefore they can be solved by man. No problem of human destiny is beyond human beings.” That is the great western mindset. Communism has bowed to it. Christianity resists it continually, sometimes more successfully than others, but in the end Christianity will prevail. Islam will wear itself out hammering on it. The hammer wears out before the anvil.
Secular humanism or Socialism is the prominent world view. Included in it are certain beliefs and convictions. Humanism requires that all beliefs be tested. Nothing is to be accepted by faith. Each person must consider any and all beliefs and traditions no matter what area of life they involve. After due consideration the individual decides which beliefs are the most logical and which ones will work for the good of humanity in general.
Here is the heart of it. Make an image of the beast, statues, publicity, pictures, the media. Cause people to think that the beast is actually alive. Many believe that one man, the anti-Christ, will come forth as a world ruler. Even so, the spirit of the anti-Christ supports the anti-Christ spirit, this is humanism, aka socialism, communism, etc. It is certainly a religion, the world religion. The return of Jesus to the visible realm will end the anti-Christ.
But the simple form of an image is not enough. The beast must seem to be alive. So, the media presents images that move, images that look alive. Using media outlets they pummel the people with constant sensations and images of the second beast. The media propagates the lies of humanism. Television and films and games can make any sort of character seem to come alive. The hearts of people are won over to the belief that surely, as Kennedy said, humanity can solve its own problems. This is the supreme lie. The Christian faith insists that only the god-man Jesus can save.
Adam was created on the 6th day. The number 666 screams “man, man, man.” Here, there and everywhere the answer lies within the natural man, the carnal man. This says, “we do not need the living God, the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Mankind, both male and female, is its own trinity. His/Her body, soul, and spirit are more than enough!” And if they can erase the his-her distinction that is all the better.
John F. Kennedy was a precursor to the Anti-Christ. If anti-Christ comes forth as an actual individual human being, he will be a lot like Kennedy, handsome, brilliant, wealthy, virile, inspiring. And still spouting the same lie, “no problem of human destiny is beyond human beings.”
This entire process is much further along that most Christians think. It is upon us in the 21st century. To follow it is spiritual death.